Hey there! I’m just trying to figure out if this is normal and if the feature is working as it should.
We were testing the re-send review request option, so we had a customer (friend) leave a review (they had made a purchase and the request was in their email) and they left a great review, and when we re-sent the request they were just going to change the star rating from 4 to 5.
Well they got the re-sent request, but when the review updated all of their original review was replaced and now the header just says “revised review” and the body says “now with five stars”. The person told us there wasn’t a space to write a review just to change the star rating? It seems to kind of invalidate the whole process of asking a customer to revise a review if they can’t actually write anything :(
We traded a really thoughtful four star review for a five star one that looks like it's written by an AI bot :(
Is there some potential that this person accidentally looked over the space to customize the review and this is just an auto-fill that could’ve been replaced with their text? Or is this how the feature works and any revised review will look like this?
If you have any idea whether this was human error or if you’ve used the feature with different results please let me know!
Thank you so much!