
Rewards Sticky Bar CSS Customizations

Hi! We would like to make some CSS customizations on the Rewards Sticky Bar.

We would like to change the letter spacing on:

  • Rewards program name
  • Points Balance
  • Title
  • Subtitle text

We would also like to change the corner radius and border color on this container:

Lastly, we’d also like to change add a divider/top border on the bar (controlling the thickness and color):



Could the team share some of the CSS attributes to allow us to make these customizations? Thanks!

1 reply


Hi @yinyinw , thanks for posting! Confirming the sticky bar can be applied with CSS, but we have limited information on specific attributes since making changes are usually requested through a brand’s ticket system.


I’ve shared your question with our specialist team and will share additional updates when available. Thanks! :) 
