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Rewards Sticky Bar CSS Customizations

Hi! We would like to make some CSS customizations on the Rewards Sticky Bar.

We would like to change the letter spacing on:

  • Rewards program name
  • Points Balance
  • Title
  • Subtitle text

We would also like to change the corner radius and border color on this container:

Lastly, we’d also like to change add a divider/top border on the bar (controlling the thickness and color):



Could the team share some of the CSS attributes to allow us to make these customizations? Thanks!

Hi @yinyinw , thanks for posting! Confirming the sticky bar can be applied with CSS, but we have limited information on specific attributes since making changes are usually requested through a brand’s ticket system.


I’ve shared your question with our specialist team and will share additional updates when available. Thanks! :) 

Customizing the CSS for a rewards sticky bar can significantly enhance the visual appeal and functionality of your website costa prices. By applying tailored CSS styles, you can ensure that the sticky bar integrates seamlessly with your site's overall design while effectively capturing users' attention. Customizations might include adjusting the bar's color scheme to match your branding, modifying its size and position for better visibility, or incorporating animations to make it more engaging.
