Customers name dropping a competitor in their Reviews - best practices?

Userlevel 1

I’ve been noticing as our reviews base grows that I am seeing more instances of customers name dropping a competitor in their review. Not always in a bad way. Sometimes it’s “I like these better than X brand” or “was hoping these would work but I went with X brand instead”. 

Wondering what others are doing here, allowing them or not allowing them, seeing positive results from leaving the or removing them? Etc. 

Thank you.

devilsing 1 year ago

When customers name-drop a competitor in their reviews, it can be challenging for businesses to handle. Here are some best practices to consider:

  1. Respond professionally: It is essential to respond professionally to any review, whether positive or negative. Acknowledge the customer's feedback and thank them for taking the time to share their experience. Avoid being defensive or confrontational, and always remain respectful.

  2. Do not disparage the competition: Even if a customer is mentioning a competitor, it is not appropriate to speak negatively about the competition. Keep the focus on your business and how you can improve.

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Userlevel 6
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Such an interesting question, @Frank.Martinez 🙌🏻

Maybe our members with a similar experience like @saraht, @CityChick, @Swiftler & @hbender might have some tips for you. I will check with our marketing team and get back to you! 😊



When customers name-drop a competitor in their reviews, it can be challenging for businesses to handle. Here are some best practices to consider:

  1. Respond professionally: It is essential to respond professionally to any review, whether positive or negative. Acknowledge the customer's feedback and thank them for taking the time to share their experience. Avoid being defensive or confrontational, and always remain respectful.

  2. Do not disparage the competition: Even if a customer is mentioning a competitor, it is not appropriate to speak negatively about the competition. Keep the focus on your business and how you can improve.

Userlevel 6
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Hey, @devilsing


Thank you for sharing your insights with us! 🙌🏻



Userlevel 1

When customers name drop a competitor in their reviews, it can present a challenge for businesses. Here are some best practices to consider when handling such situations:

  1. Stay Professional: Maintain a professional and neutral tone in your response while 6 pm lottery sambad. Avoid engaging in negative or defensive comments about the competitor mentioned by the customer. Instead, focus on addressing the customer's concerns or feedback about your own product or service.

  2. Acknowledge the Competitor Mention: Acknowledge the customer's reference to the competitor by thanking them for their feedback and mentioning that you appreciate their perspective. This shows that you value their input and are open to listening.

  3. Highlight Unique Value Proposition: Use the opportunity to highlight your own unique value proposition and what sets your product or service apart. Focus on the strengths and advantages of your offering without directly disparaging the competitor.

  4. Provide Additional Information: If there are specific features, benefits, or improvements related to the customer's feedback, provide relevant information or updates about your product or service. This can help address any concerns the customer may have had and demonstrate your commitment to continuous improvement.

I've recently come across a situation in our growing reviews base that has caught my attention. It seems that more and more customers are mentioning our competitors in their reviews. These mentions range from positive comparisons, such as "I prefer these over X brand," to acknowledging that they opted for a competitor's brand instead of ours. This has prompted me to seek insights and experiences from fellow Yotpo users. How do you handle such instances in your reviews? 

Userlevel 3
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@gustuskasiah we suggest following @devilsing ‘s advice in the case of negative comments, and in the case of positive comments, my advice is to let them speak for themselves! 


Hello all, 

When customers mention a competitor in their reviews, it can provide valuable insights into their preferences and decision-making process. Rather than removing these mentions, consider leveraging them to your advantage. Respond to the customer's review by expressing appreciation for their feedback and visit to your website. Emphasize the unique value your brand offers and highlight the features, benefits, or quality that sets you apart. You can also share testimonials or reviews from customers who have switched from the competitor mentioned, showcasing their positive experiences with your brand. By addressing concerns, engaging with customers, and utilizing these mentions strategically, you can enhance your brand's reputation and drive and local services 


I hope help you:

I've noticed that customers are mentioning our competitors in their reviews, both in positive and negative contexts. Some customers compare our products favorably to competitors, while others express their reasons for choosing a competitor over us. I'm curious to know how others in the Yotpo community are handling these mentions Are you allowing them to stay in the reviews, or do you have a policy for moderating or removing such mentions? 

Userlevel 3
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@cassiusa1 we definitely encourage you to keep these reviews visible in compliance with all regulations! @devilsing made some good suggestions for how to respond to those reviews above. check it out!

I also have been noticing a trend in our reviews where customers are dropping the names of our competitors. Some share positive experiences like "I prefer these over X brand," while others mention going with a competitor instead. I'm curious how others like is handling this in the Yotpo platform. Are you allowing these mentions to stay in the reviews, or do you find it more effective to remove them? 

Some businesses like choose to allow these mentions as they can provide transparency and context for potential customers, showcasing the unique selling points of your product compared to competitors. On the other hand, some may prefer to moderate or remove these mentions to keep the focus solely on their own product and avoid potential confusion or dilution of brand messaging. 

When customers name drop a competitor in their reviews, it can present a challenge for businesses. Here are some best practices to consider when handling such situations:

  1. Stay Professional: Maintain a professional and neutral tone in your response here  Avoid engaging in negative or defensive comments about the competitor mentioned by the customer. Instead, focus on addressing the customer's concerns or feedback about your own product or service.

  2. Acknowledge the Competitor Mention: Acknowledge the customer's reference to the competitor by thanking them for their feedback and mentioning that you appreciate their perspective. This shows that you value their input and are open to listening.

  3. Highlight Unique Value Proposition: Use the opportunity to highlight your own unique value proposition and what sets your product or service apart. Focus on the strengths and advantages of your offering without directly disparaging the competitor.

  4. Provide Additional Information: If there are specific features, benefits, or improvements related to the customer's feedback, provide relevant information or updates about your product or service. This can help address any concerns the customer may have had and demonstrate your commitment to continuous improvement.

When customers mention a competitor in their reviews, it presents a unique opportunity for your business to showcase its strengths and responsiveness. Address these mentions professionally and positively. Start by acknowledging the customer's feedback and appreciating their effort to compare your services. Highlight the unique advantages your product or service offers, gently steering the conversation to focus on what makes your business stand out. For example, if a customer notes that your competitor offers lower prices, emphasize the superior quality, exceptional customer service, or added value your business provides. By doing so, you can turn a potential negative into a positive, demonstrating to current and prospective customers that your company is attentive, confident, and committed to excellence. Additionally, always avoid direct criticism of competitors; instead, focus on reinforcing your business’s strengths and commitment to meeting and exceeding customer expectations.




