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How long does it take for newly published reviews to appear on the product page?

We’re testing Yotpo Reviews on a WooCommerce (Wordpress) website.

When we submit and approve reviews they usually do not appear on the actual product page until sometimes several hours later.  They do eventually appear on the product page ------ but hours later.

Is this normal?

Seems odd.   We don’t understand what the technical reason is for this.

New reviews appear just as slowly even if we change the setting in > Reviews > Reviews Widget > General Settings > Select “Immediate Update (Temporary)”

For instance a review that we approved at 2:05pm today only appeared on the product page at 7:10pm today.  That is a 5 hour lag.  The page was not cached, so that would not explain the delay.

Hi @scott_codes ! The process should happen a bit quicker. Can you please DM me your account name and I can help flag this to our support team?
