
I have to sort the reviews present on the product description page. Is it possible achieve using a free account?


I am trying to select the box but getting error? I am using the free plan of yotpo


4 replies


Can anyone help me on this?

It is little urgent...


it was caching issue on the browser. Worked well after going incognito.


it was caching issue on the browser. Worked well after going incognito for gaming site also.

I am trying to select the box but getting error? I am using the free plan of yotpo

therapeutic vs cathartic

Sorting reviews on the product description page is a useful feature for managing and viewing customer feedback efficiently. If you are using a platform like Amazon, sorting options such as "Most Recent," "Top Reviews," or "Most Helpful" are typically available for all users, including those with free accounts. You can usually find these sorting options directly on the product page under the reviews section. However, if you are managing your own e-commerce site and want to implement review sorting functionality, there are various free plugins and tools available for platforms like WordPress, Shopify, or other CMS systems that can help you achieve this. These tools allow you to customize the way reviews are displayed, ensuring you can highlight the most relevant feedback for potential customers.




